Monday, February 26, 2007

The First Secret.....

Sorry folkies, its taken me a wee while to get back on line but I promise it will be worth the wait!

And now I will let you into The First Secret......I was getting too popular for my own good!

So many people were reading my blog I was having to censor it more and more and the pleasure of writing it vanished.

The blog started out as fun for me to practice my writing and it was for my family and friends at home to keep up with my galavanting.

Plus hopefully to put a smile on a few faces when needed. I remember the pleasure I used to get in reading Dave Crane's blog first thing in the morning before a hard days work at Showtime. And if I was having a shit day I would log on again and read another funny bit. I wanted to give a little bit of that back.

He always put things in perspective and made me laugh. Which I believe is the best tonic in the world. If you could bottle it we would all be very, very rich.

But when strangers start coming up to you in pubs saying they recognise you from your blog photos, and when you meet your mates new flat mate for the first time and she says she feels like she knows me already coz she regularly reads my blog, then its definitely time to admit it and say, damn I'm good!

So before some "wanna-be-mini-me's" steal all my punch lines, I thought it was time for some drastic writers prerogative action.

As I fully intend to write my book this year, and of course I will be using some of my best lines from last year's blog, I have taken my blog of galavantings in 2006 off line to all and sundry and will be keeping only a tight nit little circle of loved ones happy and amused for 2007.

So if you are reading this then you are ONE OF MY CHOSEN FEW blog readers for 2007!

And don't despair, I didn't delete 2006, I just saved it as something else and it will float around in the big black hole of lost blogs until I have finished my book; until you tickle me into submission or until you bribe me with money and/or vodka to give you the new blog address.

So what have I been up to since 1st Jan then?

Sssshhhh, it's a Secret!

Ah go on then, are you sitting comfortably and I will begin.........